TNREGINET ePayment System - tnreginet-org-in

TNREGINET ePayment System –

TNREGINET ePayment System –

TNREGINET ePayment System - tnreginet-org-in

ePayment System is one of the eServices from Registration Department which helps the citizen to select the service to be availed from the Department, fill the details with the help of the form provided in the portal and choose the mode of payment either Online (Net-Banking) or Offline (Counter Payment at the Bank).

In the case of Online the Citizen can go with the bank where his Bank A/c is maintained and make the payment through that Bank. In the case of Offline mode after filling the format with Service details, the Challan can be generated from the Portal and can go to any Bank with that Challan for making payment.

The citizen can verify the payment status from both Bank as well as Department Portals. After successful payment, the citizen can visit the Department along with the challan/e-Receipt for getting the Process Completed.



What is the e-mail address for addressing any queries?

Ans. [email protected]


I am from Tamil Nadu right now working in US, I wanted to buy a land in Tamil Nadu and register it into my name. My brother told me that I should be present in person to sign at the registrar’s office which is not possible. Is there any way can I register it in my name without my presence?

Ans. There is a need that the seller and purchaser should sign the document and appear before the registering officer for registration. But this could be done without your physical presence, by authorizing an attorney here to do this activity on behalf of you. For this you need to execute a Power of Attorney there attested by a Notary there, which has to be adjudicated with any District Registrar here. Based on this power your attorney can act.


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